/ Knowledge Base / Pattern Categories

Pattern Categories

Latest update: WordPress 6.6

The following block categories are available.

Core pattern categories

Category nameCategory slugDescription
AboutaboutIntroduce yourself
ButtonsbuttonsPatterns that contain buttons and calls to action
Call to actioncall-to-actionSections whose purpose is to trigger a specific action.
ColumnscolumnsMulti-column patterns with more complex layouts.
ContactcontactDisplay your contact information or forms.
FeaturedfeaturedA set of your most important patterns.
FootersfootersA variety of footer designs displaying information and site navigation.
GallerygalleryDifferent layouts for displaying images.
HeadersheadersA variety of header designs displaying your site title and navigation. Replaces the old header category.
MediamediaDifferent layouts containing video or audio.
PortfolioportfolioShowcase your latest work.
PostspostsDisplay your latest posts in lists, grids, or other layouts.
ServicesservicesBriefly describe what your business does and how you can help.
TeamteamA variety of designs to display your team members.
TestimonialstestimonialsShare reviews and feedback about your brand/business.
TexttextPatterns containing mostly text.
QueryqueryRemoved in WordPress 6.2. Use Posts.
HeaderheaderRemoved in WordPress 6.2. Use Headers.

Registering your own pattern category

You can register your own, custom pattern categories using the function register_block_pattern_category();. See: Patterns – Block Editor Handbook | Developer.WordPress.org.

Removing a pattern category

Use the function unregister_block_pattern. For example:

unregister_block_pattern( 'core/text' );